

Europäische Kommission schlägt Mindestlohn-Richtlinie vor

Am 28.10.2020 stellte die EU-Kommission den nunmehr vollendeten Entwurf einer Richtlinie für einen EU-weiten Mindestlohn vor. Präsidentin Ursula von der Leyen äußerte sich wie folgt zu dem Entwurf:

“Today’s proposal for adequate minimum wages is an important signal that also in crisis times, the dignity of work must be sacred. We have seen that for too many people, work no longer pays. Workers should have access to adequate minimum wages and a decent standard of living. What we propose today is a framework for minimum wages, in full respect of national traditions and the freedom of social partners. Improving working and living conditions will not only protect our workers, but also employers that pay decent wages, and create the basis for a fair, inclusive and resilient recovery.”